How to build your character strengths? 🏋️‍♀️

Remember you can take a free test and find out what your top 5 character strengths are right here: 

The character strength of today is gratitude

“I am grateful for various things and I express that thankfulness to others.” 🫡

You walk on to the court feeling grateful that you have nice friends to play with and you know you will get this great feeling in your body when you play padel. 🎾❤️

The character strength of gratitude involves feeling and expressing a deep sense of thankfulness in life, and more specifically, taking the time to genuinely express thankfulness to others. This thankfulness can be for specific gifts or thoughtful acts. It could also more generally reflect recognition of what that person contributes to your life. ☀️🌈🌟

We simply can’t be in a negative state of mind when we show gratitude. It’s a whole other nervous system working when we are open and positive to the world around us. It’s a matter of a consciouss focus regarding our thought process. 😊

Grateful people experience a variety of positive emotions, and those emotions inspire them to act in more virtuous ways – humbler, more persistent, or kinder. Gratitude tends to foster the character strengths of kindness and love, and therefore is closely associated with empathy and with connection to others. 🤝☘️

The benefits from the character strength gratitude are:

Research findings on the benefits of the strength of gratitude found gratitude is one of the strengths most connected to the experience of a meaningful life. Gratitude also contributes to several physical and psychological health benefits, such as better cardiovascular and immune functioning. 🌟🙏🌈

Positive emotions are earned - go work for them. ❤️🎾
Af Nick Nordsøn

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