Hey there, fellow padel enthusiasts!

Welcome to our web shop, your one-stop destination to find the padel bat that suits you best!

First things first, we're not here to bombard you with generic claims of "10/10 power and 9/10 control" or "this is the perfect balance between power and control" for every bat. No, we're taking it a step further. We're all about providing our unfiltered opinions and guidance to help you find the bat that suits you best. We've carefully made our selection, catering to the diverse needs and unique playstyles of padel enthusiasts like yourself.

We firmly believe that finding the perfect padel bat is a highly personal journey, just like finding your padel soulmate! You see, every player has their unique style, technique, and preferences. If you've ever tried to make sense of the technical bat specs provided by manufacturers, you know it can be overwhelming. That's where we come in. Every single bat in our web shop has been thoroughly tested by us. We've personally put them through their paces to ensure they meet our high standards. The ones we truly love have even earned a spot in our ranking system, complete with detailed reviews. But hey, if you come across another bat that catches your eye, feel free to reach out. We've got the inside scoop on those too!

Now, allow us to introduce ourselves properly. We're not your typical entrepreneurs. We're Nick and Leandro, two padel-crazy individuals who happen to share a love for this amazing sport. We both work as full time padel coaches at Pakhus77 in Aarhus, and in our commitment to the padel community, we run the Instagram account "@thepadelprofessor". It's a treasure trove of educational content about padel, where you can immerse yourself in technique, tactics, and valuable tips and tricks. We believe in empowering players with knowledge, and through our platforms, we aim to contribute to your growth and development on the court.

But that's not all. When you make a purchase from our web shop, you are also making a positive impact on the future of padel. We have an ambitious plan to launch a Youth Padel Academy in Aarhus. By supporting us, you are directly contributing to the realization of this vision. The academy will provide young players with a nurturing environment to kick-start their padel journey and cultivate their skills from an early age. Your support helps create opportunities for the next generation of padel stars to flourish and thrive.

Leandro Azagra

I'm Leandro, a 33-year-old from Argentina, and padel has been a part of my life for over two decades! I'm also a Mechanical Engineer, and for seven years, that was my main job. You might be surprised to learn how much my engineering background intertwines with padel. In my padel lessons, you'll often find me passionately delving into topics like biomechanical chains, kinetic energy, momentum, and mechanical levers. And if you dare to ask me about padel bats, you'll catch me nerding out about materials behavior and the latest technologies in the market. It's remarkable how padel and engineering form such a perfect match!

Eight years ago, I embarked on a journey of teaching padel, purely out of my passion and love for the sport (trust me, in Argentina, making a living out of it is a challenge). I used all the things that I had learned at the "Academia De Padel", where Agustin Tapia learned to play padel, and I took many courses for trainers with the biggest coaches in the world like Nito Brea and Manu Martin. The joy of spreading the magic of padel kept me devoted to sharing my expertise, first in Argentina and now in Denmark, as I couldn't imagine a life without it.

I also had the fantastic opportunity to be part of a padel bat design team in the past. Being involved in the manufacturing process, learning about materials, and exploring the latest technologies in the bat market has given me invaluable insights. So, armed with my years of experience in padel, engineering expertise, and a deep understanding of padel bats, I decided to embark on this new venture—running this web shop together with Nick.

Nick Nordsøn

Mit navn er Nick Nordsøn – 37 år gammel og padelentuatiast på mit tiende år. Jeg blev første gang introduceret til padel i 2013, da jeg studerede historie og idræt på Aarhus Universitet. Jeg har spillet badminton, tennis, bordtennis og squash hele mit liv, men nu var der nogen, der havde fundet noget, der mindede om det hele på én gang. Jeg var solgt fra første slag. 

Min vej til at blive en del af The Padel Professor Academy, @thepadelprofessor og vores webshop thepadelprofessor.com kom sig af, at jeg altid har haft en passion for at videregive læring til andre mennesker. Jeg er cand. mag. i histore og idræt og har samtidig læst en master i positiv psykologi. Efter syv år ved tavlen som gymnasielærer, fik jeg muligheden for at kombinere min passion for padel og undervisning. Det er så fantastisk at være i padelverdenen, hvor man kan se alle trivselsteorierne fra min master i positiv psykologi udfolde sig på padelbanen. Så meget passion og motivation i øjnene på mine spillere. 

Da jeg kastede mig ud i at blive padeltræner, søgte jeg straks inspiration og uddannelse hos de bedste trænere i verden. Nito Brea, Manu Martin og Leandro Azagra har været store inspirationskilder til mine træninger. Udover at dele min viden om padel til mine træninger, har Leandro og jeg også forsøgt at dele ud af vores viden til alle padelinteresserede i verden via vores instagram-profil: @thepadelprofessor. Navnet The Padel Professor blev til, fordi jeg som gammel gymnasielærer pludselig var at finde på de sociale medier. Så min ven Henrik Würgler skrev til mig en dag: Du er jo The Padel Professor. Siden da er navnet hængt ved og i dag er The Padel Professor blevet til en spirit Leandro og jeg deler, hvor vi ønsker at dele så meget viden om padel som overhovedet muligt.